Summer Update I

It’s been a long time since my last post here. Mainly because I haven’t been practicing freewriting lately. I’m not as passionate about writing as I used to be a few months ago. It may be since I’m not currently reading any work of fiction.

This is the first post after my university exams and I want to focus on what I did on the first 13 days of summer. Starting a whole new category (Update).

As you can see in this post, written during last semester’s exams, there’s always a flood of new ideas on a variety of things you want to do during exams that you can’t afford to do then and there; because you have to spend as much as you can on studying. In the same post I presented a solution to get rid of those thoughts during exams, and not being bored afterwards. The idea was to write them all down. And that’s basically what I did.

These days I’m going through that to-do list. A lot of them don’t look that appealing now, but some of them are still looking good. This list saved me from boredom and inaction so far.

Traditionally I spent summers doing nothing. I was and still am an expert in that. Not Patrick-Star-level, but impressive nevertheless. By nothing I don’t mean leisure activities like watching movies or hanging out. Nope. Pure nothingness.

But this year there was a long overdue change. Now I have stuff to do and lucky for me I like those stuff.

A brief update on what I did so far:

Hopefully by listing these here, I’ll motivate myself and maybe you to do more, to do greater! We all can be a bit better, a bit happier, every passing day.

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