You might have expected a question mark at the end of the title. We are used to hear these words as a rhetorical question to answer “Why should we do this?” or a similar question. But in this case it’s to show why I should really revisit that decision.
Last night it seemed like a splendid idea! Type without care, publish unedited. The problem with the idea is, these notes been written without care, unedited —fine, AND published on github —not that fine. A platform which keeps track of everything, after edit, or even deleting files. So I can be held be responsible for everything I publish here which is true about everything ever gets published on any medium. But I will have no escape. And the way I decided to write these just adds to the already scary situation.
Against all these; I might just be crazy enough to continue. With a minor alteration to the plan, I will proof-read before publishing.
Here’s hoping for the best.
1451997581 - Tehran