تمرین ۸ - نمایش اعداد با دکمه

متن تمرین


نمایش عدد ۷۲۱ روی سه تا BCD 7segment توسط سه کلید به نحویکه با هر کلید یکی از ارقام نمایش داده شود.

بازنویسی شده برای آردوینو UNO

نمایش عدد ۷۲۱ روی سه سون‌سگمنت آندمشترک متصل به دیکدر ۷۴۴۷ توسط سه کلید به نحوی‌که با هر کلید یکی از ارقام نمایش داده شود.


کد برنامه

 * Assignment #08
 * Drive 3 common anode seven segments to display "721"
 * with a single 7447 BCD-to-Decimal decoder
 * light each one up when a corresponding button is pressed
 * The circuit:
 * Connect pin 0 of Arduino to input A (pin 7) of 7447
 * Connect pin 1 of Arduino to input B (pin 1) of 7447
 * Connect pin 2 of Arduino to input C (pin 2) of 7447
 * Connect pin 3 of Arduino to input D (pin 6) of 7447
 * Connect outputs of 7447 to seven segments
 * Connect pin 8 of Arduino to common of first seven segment
 * Connect pin 9 of Arduino to common of second seven segment
 * Connect pin 10 of Arduino to common of third seven segment
 * Connect pin A0 of Arduino to a push-button hooked to ground
 * Connect pin A1 of Arduino to a push-button hooked to ground
 * Connect pin A2 of Arduino to a push-button hooked to ground
 * https://mehsen.com/arduino/assignments/
 * To the extent possible under law,
 * Mohsen Dastjerdi Zade (mehsen.com) has waived all copyright
 * and related or neighboring rights to Arduino Assignments.
 * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/

// button pins
const int button0 = A0;
const int button1 = A1;
const int button2 = A2;

// seven segment select pins
const int ssegment0 = 8;
const int ssegment1 = 9;
const int ssegment2 = 10;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
  // Define button pins as input with internal pullup resistors
  pinMode(button0, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  // Define seven segment select pins as output
  pinMode(ssegment0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ssegment1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ssegment2, OUTPUT);

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  // when a button is pressed its pin reads low
  // so a button is pressed when its state is low(false)
  if (!digitalRead(button0)) {
    // pull the common of seven segment we want to light up low
    // and others high
    digitalWrite(ssegment0, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ssegment1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment2, LOW);
    // write BCD code for 7447's input
    PORTD = 1;
  } else if (!digitalRead(button1)) {
    digitalWrite(ssegment0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ssegment2, LOW);
    PORTD = 2;
  } else if (!digitalRead(button2)) {
    digitalWrite(ssegment0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment2, HIGH);
    PORTD = 7;
  } else {
    // turn all seven segments off if no button is pressed
    digitalWrite(ssegment0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ssegment2, LOW);